10:00 – 10:05 Introduction by the moderator Dr Carolyn Jewell, Member of CEMBUREAU Biodiversity Task Force

10:05 – 10:15 Presentation on CEMBUREAU Biodiversity Roadmap by Ms Alexandra Silva, Biodiversity Project Manager at SECIL and Chair of the Biodiversity Task Force at CEMBUREAU

10:15 – 10:30 Pollinators & pollination: values, threats, policy, and practice by Dr Adam J. Vanbergen, Research Director, INRAE (French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment)

10:30 – 10:45 EU Pollinators Initiative Revision & EC Pollinators Guidance for the Extractive Sector by Mr. Vujadin Kovacevic, Policy Officer, European Commission DG-ENV Unit D2, Natural Capital and Ecosystem Health

10:45 – 11:15 Case Studies from the Cement Industry

"Insect Pollination Services in Actively and Spontaneously Restored Quarries Converge Differently to Natural Reference Ecosystem" by Mr Pedro Salgueiro, Department of Biology, University of Évora, Portugal

“Collaboration with NGOs to improve the abundance of priority pollinator species at restored quarries” by Mr Sean Cassidy, Sustainability Manager at Cemex & Mr. Mike Slater of Butterfly Conservation

11:15 – 11:20 Closing remarks by Mr Nikos Nikolakakos, CEMBUREAU Environment & Resources Manager

0 commentaires
17/07/2023 ghennai
salem, est ce qu'il y aura des attestations de participation?
19/07/2023 Equipe Infociments
Bonjour @Chennai,
C'est directement à Cembureau qu'il faut s'adresser pour cela, ce sont eux les organisateurs. Bien à vous, l'Equipe Infociments
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